
Business Coverage for Your Outdoor Signs

Business Coverage for Your Outdoor Signs

Your company’s outdoor signs are vital to business. It not only attracts customers who intend to enter your shop, it also puts your name in the public’s eye so it comes to mind when they need the services or products you provide. Damage to your sign from storms, accidents, vandalism and other hazards can do […]

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Insurance Audits Provide Valuable Insights

insurance audit

Have you done an insurance audit? “Audit” is a cringeworthy word. And although insurance audits are often viewed as an inconvenience, they are an important process for both insurance companies and customers. The most common policies that are subject to audits are workers compensation, general liability and other types of liability insurance policies. Insurance audits […]

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Use Technology to Control Commercial Auto Insurance Rates

commercial auto insurance rates

For decades, businesses with auto fleets have wished for consistency in commercial auto insurance rates. The good news is technology is now available to track actual driving habits, resulting in potential rewards for safety. Many insurance companies are rolling out “telematics” to help base premiums on the insured’s actual driving exposure. There is a wide […]

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Does Your Business Have Cyber Liability Coverage

Cyber Liability Coverage

Cyber liability coverage can protect your business from a growing threat. According to USA Today, there were 765 million data breaches and cyber attacks from April to June of 2018. The high risk of cyber breach means businesses need to understand the threats as well as coverage options available. Cyber liability coverage is designed to […]

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Teen Driving Contracts

Teen Driving Contracts

Do you have a new teenage driver at home? You may want to establish some ground rules as it relates to things like: number of passengers, curfew and phone use. Our friends at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners have established this online teen driver pledge tool to help to set some boundaries.

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Be Cautious When You Have a Claim

Be Cautious When You Have a Claim

After you report damage to your insurer, it will send a claims adjuster to assess the damage at no cost to you. An adjuster will walk through and around your home to inspect damaged items and temporary repairs you may have made. A public adjuster is different from a company claims adjuster. If you hire […]

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4 Ways to Minimize Worker’s Compensation Costs

Minimize Worker's Compensation Costs

Let’s look at ways you can Minimize Worker’s Compensation Costs. For many businesses, workers compensation is a necessary, and often mandatory, insurance policy. Controlling the cost without sacrificing valuable insurance coverage is essential, and there are some tried-and-true methods for doing so. Minimize Worker’s Compensation Costs #1 Verify that classifications are correct. There are hundreds […]

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Items in Storage May Not Be Covered

Items in Storage May Not Be Covered

Does the storage company’s insurance pay in addition to, or take the place of, your business coverage? The budget is complete, and there’s finally room for the retooling and/or redecorating that’s years overdue.What happens to the old equipment, furniture, supplies, etc.? If the business plans to hang on to those items, it’s likely time to […]

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Business Interruption Coverage Covers Lost Income

Business Interruption Coverage

You may have your premises and contents covered but what about business interruption? Lost revenue could be far greater than the physical damage your business sustained. The flames are gone, but the big blaze has left catastrophic damage, and local businesses will spend the next several months trying to sort out what to do next. […]

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Improving the Safety of Your Commercial Fleet

Improving the Safety of Your Commercial Fleet

Improving the safety of your commercial fleet can lower your costs and more importantly protect your employees and the general public from injury. Commercial fleet experts believe the number of accidents involving large vehicles (like trucks and buses) could be reduced by as many as 63,000 annually through the installation and use of some tech-based […]

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