Business owners need protection against a broad swath of liability claims. General liability (GL) insurance offers just that. Here are some examples of coverage you can select under your General Liability policy.
Premises Liability
This part of a general liability policy protects your company from financial loss due to injury or accidents that occur in your work area, parking lot or grounds. It covers medical costs — and sometimes other losses — to injured parties, including damage to their property for which you are found responsible (for example, if a tree limb or sign on your premises falls on their car).
Products and Completed Operations
If your product or service causes injury or property damage, products and completed operations coverage can help protect you from the cost of claims. Completed operations coverage begins once you have completed the job and left the job site.
Personal Injury Liability
Your competitors may accuse you of copyright infringement, or even defaming their business. Personal injury liability provides protection against certain types of offenses, even when you meant no harm.
Your General Liability policy will provide money for legal defense costs, settlements and judgments. No business should go without it. Contact Rettino Insurance for all your insurance needs. We are happy to give you a comprehensive quote for with the best rates and explore extended coverages.