COVID-19 Is Changing Business Auto Insurance Needs

COVID-19 Is Changing Business Auto Insurance Needs

COVID-19 may have permanently transformed the way many companies operate and could profoundly change your business auto insurance needs.

Restaurants, retailers, pharmacists and others are now delivering products to customers who are seeking to avoid crowds or interaction with strangers. But are the drivers and vehicles used properly insured? Driving as a part of work duties is a serious liability hazard for employers and employees alike. If they are not protected by insurance and have an accident, either the employer or the vehicle operator could face devastating financial losses.

In many cases, employees are driving their own cars to provide this courtesy to customers, but will their personal car insurance cover any accidents or injuries? If not, are those drivers listed on the company’s non-owned auto policy? And are those drivers trained and monitored for safety? Did your business document rules, standards, expectations, rewards and punishments regarding the operation of vehicles for company business?

Are owners or managers lending their automobiles to company drivers? And what are the safety risks involved in doing so?
The list of concerns is long. While many insurers gave temporary waivers for companies and drivers responding to the virus crisis, ongoing operational changes in your use of vehicles for business should be addressed immediately with your agent or broker. We can help you find a solution that protects all involved.

Contact Rettino Insurance for all your business auto insurance needs.