Business Insurance in Mays Landing, NJ

Business Insurance in Mays Landing, NJWhen you need a one-stop solution for purchasing business insurance in Mays Landing, NJ, contact The Rettino Group. We’re easy to find and right here in town, and we help you find affordable and comprehensive coverage for you and your business. We shop only from AM Best top rated vendors, and we take the time to ensure you have all the necessary coverage at the best price.

For six decades, we have guided our customers through legal changes, coverage changes and rate changes. Our philosophy is to “Provide Professional Service Beyond the Insurance Contract”. As innovators in the areas of commercial and industrial insurance and we are recognized as having the highest degree of professionalism. Though coverage may face changes, one thing that remains the same is our commitment to exceptional customer service and outstanding claims management.

Types of Business Insurance in Mays Landing, NJ

For Mays Landing business owners, we assist in multiple types of insurance coverage:

Commercial Property Insurance. In your business, commercial property isn’t just your facility and equipment. It’s important that you insure for more intangible assets too, including lost revenue, cash on premises, accounts receivable and important documents. All of the assets in your business are susceptible to acts of nature, theft or fire. We can help you find an affordable policy that covers everything you need.

Commercial Vehicle Insurance. Businesses must insure both their commercial vehicles and their drivers. The legal statutes involving commercial and personal vehicle use are complex, and your auto insurance coverage should protect against any and all liabilities. We can craft a policy that meets all of your auto insurance needs.

Surety Bonds. If you are an owner of a contracting business that requires surety bonds, let us help you…we can assist you with your bid, payment, performance and maintenance bonds.

Whatever your business type or industry, The Rettino Group can help you stay covered with business insurance in Mays Landing, NJ that meets all of your needs. We have been serving the Mays Landing area for 75 years, and we still today find the best and most affordable coverage for our business clients. Contact us today or use this form to get started!